Susan Merrow

Co-chairman of 1000 Friends of Connecticut

Susan Merrow served twelve years as First Selectman of East Haddam, from 1991 to 2003.  During her tenure, she served on the Board of Directors of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities and as its President in 1998.  Her professional experience also includes 5 years as Executive Director of Common Cause/Connecticut in the 1980’s.

Having served in many volunteer capacities in the Sierra Club during the 70’s and 80’s, she became President of the National Board of the Sierra Club in 1990 and 1991.  She still serves on the Sierra Club’s National Political Committee.  She is the author of One for the Earth: Journal of a Sierra Club President, Sagamore Press, 1992. 

She serves on the Boards of the Connecticut River Watershed Council, the League of Conservation Voters, 1000 Friends of Connecticut, the Connecticut Advisory to the Trust for Public Land,and the Middlesex County Community Foundation.  She is a member of the Committee to study the Eightmile River for possible inclusion in the Federal Wild and Scenic Rivers program.

A graduate of Tufts University, Susan lives in East Haddam with her husband of 37 years and three retired horses.