Note- this resolution passed unanimously at the Connecticut State Grange Convention, October 2018.
WHEREAS a forest is a self-sustaining ecosystem, and New England’s natural landscape is predominantly forested, and
WHEREAS public forests are held in the public trust, and for the benefit of current and future generations, and
WHEREAS an intact forest ecosystem is biodiverse, allows for and even thrives on natural disturbances, and is the most resource-efficient approach to stewardship and conservation, and
WHEREAS intact unmanaged forests provide the highest level of ecosystem services such as flood and erosion control, and carbon storage and absorption, and
WHEREAS trees can live for hundreds of years, natural old forests are treasured by the public and valued highly by scientists, and are now extremely rare – less than 1% of the landscape in Southern New England, and
WHEREAS tax dollars are used to log public forests.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that State policies regarding public forests prioritize and maximize: