Write to Friends and Neighbors

Consider writing letters to friends and neighbors asking them to donate to this project.  Use this letter (Word Doc) if you’d like (also available as a RTF).  See the donation page for more information.

Submit Letters To The Editor

Hartford Courant

Letters must include an address and day and evening phone numbers and be exclusive to The Courant.  Limit: 1 letter published for every two months.

Web:  Click on the link below to be taken to the Courant web page on submitting letters to the editor

OR use one of the following methods…

Letters, The Courant
285 Broad Street
Hartford, CT 06115


(860) 520-6941

Simsbury Post

All letters must include a return address and a daytime phone for verification only.  The Simsbury Post reserves the right to edit submissions.  Deadline: 5 PM Thursdays.

Web:  They do not have a dedicated submission page.  You can submit on-line by first going to one of their on-line articles, for example, this one then click on the “voice your opinion” link below the title of the article.

The Simsbury Post
99 Main Street
Bristol, CT 06010


(860) 233-2080